Beta Phase I Characters and objects (ie. Teacher, Jellyfish, Turtles, Dolphin, certain default students, pencils, classroom tools, counting objects) designed by Dillon Carson, Eileen Wu, Amanda Greiner, Emily Hendricks, Mallory Clinger, Jagriti Khirwar, & Daniel Mok

As time progressed with creating newer illustrative icons and banners, I began to utilize the existing style to introduce more diverse characters, with iterations of old characters, as well as new students, composed with brighter colors and combinations of different shapes and gradients.

In conjunction with fellow designers, platform and curriculum designers, I was able to revamp and recreate previous placeholder diagrams and illustrated assets for K-5 Math - ensuring both stylistic and academic consistency in designs that utilized everything from Base ten blocks, to Ten frames, counters, Geometric shapes and solids, illustrating equations with Linking cubes and more